Chat Night Tonight!!! (Thursday - 8:00pm EST)

Hello YoYoExperts!!!

Chat night is officially ON for tomorrow from 8:00pm - 9:00pm Eastern Standard Time!

Prize to be announced during the chat!

Lets see if our server can handle the load - I think we are hitting our max capacity in terms of this event!

Yayy! I am excited! The contest is always fun.

YES i love chats!!

I can’t wait! I’m so excited!

Yes! I’m really looking forward to this one! I hope i win.


Hooray! I’ll try my best. Hopefully, I win again :smiley:

You won twice, and we want to win. Can you wait until we win once or twice

Happy Throwing! =]

I might actually be able to attend this one…

Dang! If the chat nighht was later then I could actually attened.

its ,6.49 pm 19 th march Thursday here in Karachi,PAKISTAN
plz reply me the time there ,i will try to join tonight

André have you desided what the winner will win?


I AGREE!!! lol jk! I really want to win! Never won it yet lol

i love the chat nights!!!
i can not wait until 2nite
see you all there!

This is my first one! Maybe I will get lucky. I hope so!

You posted that on March 19th, 9:51 AM EST.

That means chat night would be at 5:00 AM for you. :-\