Charles and Jensen leave CLYW

its sad to see that there leaving CLYW but also exciting to see what they’ll do next. I’ll still buy CLYW’s they still make canadian yoyo’s with maple syrup lubed bearings. But I’m also excited to see what Charles and Jensen do.

Good Luck guys

I’m definitely surprised to see them both leave, especially Chuck as he was pretty much the only employee before Steve joined. Jensen and Chuck have become pretty much the face of CLYW over the years (especially during the period that Chris left to pursue other work), so it’s really strange to think of them not being there. :-\

At any rate, assuming it’s yoyo-related, I’m looking forward to seeing what Jensen and Chuck have up their sleeves. Knowing them it’s bound to be querky, and like southbound280 I’ve missed some of that old CLYW querk in their new releases, so a seperate company for all ones weird and wacky needs would be fantastic.

The advantage they have is that they already have the popularity behind them. Pretty much any product they bring out is already going to have interest and people waiting with money in hand. :slight_smile:

Shocking of course. But one has to remember that CLYW has many other big names in their company that will carry on their image and be the so called “faces of the company”
Andrew Maider, Ricardo, Harrison, Ayumu, etc.

Those guys are the face of the company to me. I don’t know what to to now. No more funny yoyo videos with insanely good tricks from those guys, no more Jensen or Chuck Cabin Tutorials, THIS WORLD WILL GO INTO CHAOS. B

But on another note, I’m very curious to see what those guys are gonna end up doing next.

Yea its sad to see the funny videos go

no more funny videos like:

Jensen leaving wasnt  a shock but charles

You forgot Ill Vibes

How do you forget ill vibez thats the best one!

Everybody is calling Charles Chuck :smiley: I personaly prefer Joe stein or Joe dang over Chuck .

I was talking to Jensen on FB and he wouldn’t tell me that much, but it sounds cool! Sad to see them leaving CLYW though :frowning: But one other thing he said was that they were going to be making music!! And I bet they will still be making stupid videos:P Can’t wait! He also personally told me to get everyone hyped, so here it is!! :stuck_out_tongue:

hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype… GET HYPED YALL!

Obviously Jensen and Charles will still promote CLYW and talk good about it but I’m pretty psyched to see what they come up with. The art for this “project” is gonna be great haha.

Love to see Ernest Kahn take over video duties.

Maybe throw some skateboarding in there too!

I’m just glad this wasn’t a "rage’ leave, like if they wanted to have videos of them taken down

that would haved sucked.

CLYW owns those videos. But Charles and Jensen probably wouldn’t do that even in a rage. There’s no risk to those glorious videos. :smiley: