Change the IRC

It would be really awesome if the Chat was already open when you logged on the forum.

Would it be possible to navigate the forum with the chat as some sort of header?

This is what i was thinking VVV

What is the advantage or benefit of this? Just curious.

But, for people who don’t like/want the chat (not saying I am one of those people), they are still stuck with it.

The chat is a great function that should be utilized more.

You would be able to chat and browse the forum on the same tab. Plus more people will use it if it is right there…

You should be able to minimize it if you want…

Anyway could this be a possibility?

It’s fine the way it is, I hate when forums get crowded with extra stuff.

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Why don’t you just open a new browser window with the chat in it. Most current browsers are capable of that.

In that case, why not?

well it is already there so… Plus you should be able to minimize it if you want…

Then you would have to be switching from one to the other. And if you had both up at the same time, you wouldn’t be able to see the whole forum.

PLUS: More people would use it if it was right there…


Why don’t you resize your windows and arrange them so you can see both?

We have some plans to upgrade the chat near future to something else… we have found a few cool alternatives… :slight_smile:

cool! i just think that it would be better if it was “right there” for people to use…