Champions Collection #3

Not quite marble, but infinitely better than that pink one :wink:


That green one might be better than the blue… but here are the other yoyos I have a feeling the czm84vk will be the best YYF made to date its just so pretty the Richochet also looks cool but to much money for me

Thanks for the pictures!

No problem!

no problem!

Vashek’s Signature throw looks pretty dang cool.

I wish I knew how much Vashek’s signature throw is going to cost, because I would wait for that dude, I love that guy.

Oh my gosh, a Titanium :frowning:

Maybe I’ll be able to get it…

I like the wordplay on Vashek’s signature yoyo. I won’t explain it here and sound totally dumb, however.

That One looks awesome…

Ricochet looks very nice but would be way past any budget i could get.

They’re being sold at $199

What glorious news this is. :smiley:

I’ll be interested to see how it plays, and if it’s worth the moolah.