Center Trac Bearing Problem

Hi everyone!
So I put a Center Trac bearing in my CLYW Gnarwal and since Christmas its been working great. But the other day I heard this weird grinding noise coming from my Gnarwal so I took the Center Trac out and I saw little faded spots in the bearing seat. I put the original bearing back is but miss using the Center Trac, is there anything that I can do to fix problem?

have you tried cleaning the bearing? this sounds like one of those things where everyone’s gonna suggest you clean the bearing.

here ill tell you how to fix the problem

send the gnarwhal to me

just clean the bearing everyone will say that or get a one drop 10 ball

If the bearing is just making noise, it’s possible that some thin lube will quiet it down. You may NOT have to clean the bearing.

If you try the lube and it doesn’t work then try cleaning the bearing and lubing to your preference.

Of course people are going to tell you to clean the bearing because that’s where the problem is. However, many people clean the bearings needlessly, in my opinion. Many times a little lube or just even blowing it out will solve the problem. I try not to clean the bearing more than necessary.

It should be noted that the lube will make your bearing a little responsive for a while, but it will break in and become unresponsive again.

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