Canvas for sasquatch?

I have a mint lost in the arctic series #4 and I am wondering, is that for a sasquatch a worthy trade?
Both mint A-grade.

If you’re both happy with the trade, then yes.

The Canvas sells for way more than the Sasquatch. I also personally like how my Sasquatch performs better than my Canvas.

BTW: my Canvas is also a Lost in the Arctic #4. Barely thrown.(and no, it’s not for sale or trade, as people always try to hit me up for my yoyos!)

But I like my Ava better than both of those!

Based on price, no, it’s not an “even trade”. But, it’s up to the trading parties. If they are happy,then it’s good.

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I wouldnt do it. Id ask the other party for something to add, at the very least 25 cash

Canvas has a MUCH higher value than a Sasquatch.

I like my canvas alot but honestly it’s overpriced and overhyped. It plays awesome but not worth the extra value. I personally think sasquatches play better but it’s fair if you think it is. Value wise it isn’t fair but play wise I think it is.