Cant wait to yoyo outside!

Omg yes, listening to a tigers game outside with bare feet… Yes zen like owngry said. But Yankees!!! Woof! Lol we got y’all’s number these last couple years… Ugh but nothing is worse than the red socks winning it…

Throw in some beers and you just described my perfect summer day. This Michigan weather can go suck it… I need to move back to FL…

North Carolina isn’t too bad. Mother nature’s been having mood swings (it was 65 yesterday and they’re calling for snow tomorrow). Today was on the cold side…

But, I own 32 acres of land, most of it wooded, so the middle of the woods in a very certain valley! love it!

I think the weather in western New York really hates me, it’s never nice out anymore… But I’m counting the days till spring break because I get to go to AZ and throw outside in the sun… Take that New York weather!

Never actually thrown in a mall, but my brother did and got $10 in about ten minutes. :o

I always wondered if id make money if i put a hat out for coins.

haha I hear ya


Haha! That’s funny because I was kind of wanting to yoyo in Michigan! I live in Illinois, but every 4th of July, me and my brother, dad, and my dad’s girlfriend and her daughter all go to Michigan. (I recommend looking at the fireworks over St. Joseph, it is AMAZING) Hopefully I can get some more tricks down, because I want to yoyo outside there when we get to go there, assuming it’s done snowing by then… ::slight_smile: So exicted!