This topic comes up quite often. But, who is anyone to say what someone should do with their money or yo-yos? If they want to buy a lot of $100 paper weights, so be it, it’s their money (or their parent’s), and their business. They may be collectors and not interested in throwing a yo-yo or acquiring some level of skill meant to exceed someone else’s bar of acceptance. If you have the money, and the means, to spend your money or someone else’s money the way they allow…have fun with it. I think everyone in society has a vice, and things they spend on in excess, and those who claim not to, are lying to themselves. Everyone I know has arguably spent more than they should on something, whether it’s a car, clothes, shoes, jewelry, toys, food, electronics and the list goes on. I think it is up to the person doing the spending to decide how they want to live their life and spend their money. We can all have an opinion, but at the end of the day, they will do what they want. I think there may be a culture of excess, but there is also a culture of people judging other people for petty things that don’t concern them personally in the least. I personally would rather spend my time making money than judging someone else for how they spend theirs. It is none of my business.
We joke about yo-yo addiction, but I don’t know anyone who has hit rock bottom from buying too many yo-yos. Society does not fall apart based on yo-yo buying. We buy, we try, we sell or trade, and buy again. It is the same with any other thing we might own. I earn my money, and I’ll do with it (or not do) what I please. On that note, let the haters hate. I don’t have an addiction as far as I see it. I consider it taking care of my priorities and having fun with the rest. I am not hurting myself or anyone else, and that makes it okay.