Can you help me determine which 888 this is? 888 or 888x?

In 2011 as far as I understand there were 2 versions of 888, one was produced in the USA and the other in china, what are the differences? and which one is better?

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That’s an 888X production from China.

Neither YoYo is “better” than the other the X stands for 10 and you are thinking of the 888.11 that was made in the USA.


Ehh the 888.11 seems to be much more highly regarded.

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I feel that - but again that’s subjective. I have every model year and revision of the 888 or have owned it at one point. Each one has a different play feel, the 888x is a little weighty feeling the .11 to me is a little too large

.11 is my least favorite 888