Can you change...

Your the second yoyo Jesus! Thanks a lot. Yeah. Doing a trick is something. Then when I get bored, perfecting it is a whole nother thing.

Another good tip is to work on getting nice straight throws, with some power. Doing this early on will help down the road. ;D

Haha yeah, for sure. I was actually thinking of literally working out so I can throw a bit harder LOLOLOL that’s pathetic, but its an idea.

I agree with this. Despite my increasing collection, I tend to work in a small group of yoyos most of the time.

When I get bored, I change yoyos. But, at the same time, when I get rather proficient at a trick, I will also change yoyos to mix it up and ensure I do in fact know the trick and can perform it with most any yoyo I have. I will sometimes go with a “yoyo of the day”.

At the same time, sometimes stepping away for a day or two can be productive as well. Then again, maybe a bigger change is needed, and that’s why it’s cool that there’s 5 different yoyo styles. This gives you 4 other things to work with. If that doesn’t work, then there’s always spin tops, juggling, astro jax, diabolo, foot bags, kendama or get yourself a metal slinky(and not a jr, those aren’t any fun!) It’s all a matter of what is of interest to you and you can afford.

Hmm… that’s interesting… And a very good idea…