can i make a metal zero become un-responsive?

I got my brother a metal zero for x-mas. he wants it to become unresponsive. is there any way to do that??

since it uses stickers I don’t think you could. If you have access to a lathe I bet you could recess it, but I dont know how thick it is there…

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could i peel off the stickers?

Yes, but first i say you should try taking only one off.

Just play with it and you will wear down the stickers. I’d also clean the bearing.

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I dont believe your going to be able to get it dead unresponsive without modding it.

But I would recommend:
Remove both friction stickers.
Place 1 12mm silicone sticker to one half of the yo-yo.
Clean the bearing.
Use the wider spacers.

This should help alot!


What Brandon said as well as upgrading to a Small Center Trac or Size A KonKave bearing may help.

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I have a stock and KK bearing for my DM. All I did was clean and add a drop of lube to my stock and i jerk my hand so my DM comes over my hand and nothing happens. My DM is better than yours Andre mwahahhaha.

lol i bet andre has lots of dark magics

True xD, still mine is better than all of his mwahhaah.

Doubt it… He uses his… It adds over 9000 awseome… I know thats spelled wrong… I’ve tried… Im just too stricken by awe to type it correctly…

And he probably have some of the old style caps… lucky…

Off topic: example a fh zero, the other halve is no sticker, and the other halve is one worn out (need to be replaced) friction sticker, can it bind (tight) even worn out?, snag all bind? or case by case? (some snag at all, some binds thoroughly)

Eventually the binds will be very lose with a worn friction sticker. But if you use one silicone sticker instead, it will be less responsive and bind tight.

That is the set up in my metal zero. It’s not completely dead unresponsive, it still snags on some tricks with lots of string layers, but for the sake of binding and tug responsiveness it is pretty nice.

You could take out the friction stickers and not put in anything! Then it’d be really unresponsive! ;D