Cake’s String Reviews

Hey y’all, i know it isn’t String Saturday like I established, but that’ll have to be postponed since my birthday is tomorrow and I probably won’t want to review something this weekend.
However, I do have the first string review out of three from the wonderful @IMArocketman! It was sent free of charge specifically to be reviewed, and I couldn’t be happier for this opportunity directly from the company. Let’s review it!

A&A Yoyo String Formula 1 || A- (93/100)

Just want to open with the fact that I am not obligated to say anything good about this string. That being said, this does NOT mess around. Tested it out on my new Monarch, I think this is the perfect thickness for me. Doesn’t snag at all, binds perfectly, doesn’t feel like a heavy jacket when whipping like some strings I used. Whips were good, and slacks broke the scale, so I’m giving it one extra point. Slacks and suicides were laughably easy, kept form like the string was frozen. Whips felt like a breeze and it stayed like that from after the break-in to the hour mark, with no dent in it (which is surprising since the string is a nylon/poly blend).
The only issue is, guess what, tension hold. This string has the attributes to be touching perfection if it just has a bit more tension holding strength, but it doesn’t. The tension messed up a few of my tricks enough times where I noticed a problem. Maybe it’s a luck of the draw scenario, but I felt like noting it.
This knocked it from an A+ to an A-, but it’s still an A! Overall, it’s an incredibly good string with amazing colors if you’re into those. As of now, this is the string I recommend the most if the tension was bad luck. It feels amazing, period. Below are the stats, along with bonus notes I took while playing. I normally delete them, but content is content!

Durability 30 min (5)
Durability 1 hr (5) no sign of wear
Personal Thickness Feel (5) perfect on my monarch. felt amazing, not too fat and not too skinny.
Whip Feel Break-In (4.5) could be a tad more solid feeling
Whip Feel 1 hr (4.5) same
Slack Feel Break-In (6) broke the scale, oh my lord. looked frozen
Slack Feel 1 hr (4.5) bit of tension problems
Tension Hold over 1 hour overall(3) messy break-in, after is a bit better
Softness during break-in (4), slightly coarse but it goes away
Overall consistency over 1 hour (5) thanks nylon!
Total: 46.5 x 2 = 93, 93 = A- graded based on letter system (A: 100-90, B: 89-80, C: 79-70, D: 69-60, F: 60<)

Big thanks to Amelia and Aaron at A&A for sending me this string to review. This is one out of three strings, so look forward to those. Thanks for reading :heart_hands: