Cake’s String Reviews

hi again, a lovely user sent me some of this string i’ve been dying to try, so i’m happy to present it!

Stricklin Strings || D- (63/100)

This is VERY plushy, I have never used something this true to the word plush. The plush has no slickness to it like most strings with nylon, but instead it has a deep softness to it that blends in with itself to create one smooth feel. The wind of it is very close together but not very tight since i was able to undo the base of it pretty easily. Also, it stretches so much that the tangible thickness of it changes, which i’m not a fan of.

It’s way thicker than I expected. It’s 100% thicker than most bulk string, so that would include OT Fat, Kitty XL, etc. The comfort of the string felt a bit outweighed by how uncomfortable the thickness was to me, but I was sure while playing that the performing qualities would more than make up for it given the praise of it so far on the forums. Glad to say, the performance is great. Whips have a faster speed than other fat strings, but it’s still manageable and easy to adjust to. This speed doesn’t carry over to slacks too much, making them feel open and relaxed without that breakneck speed of nylon and trilobal. One small complaint is that the thickness of the string tends to vary in binds. For example, the thickness of the loose string gives laceration binds a hefty thickness to them while simultaneously making traditional binds less thick because of the stretchiness of the string. This hurt the consistency score.

The whip and slack qualities never really changed through the hour, which is an amazing accomplishment given the plushness and how hard I tend to yoyo. The only slightly noticeable difference was the slack feeling a bit slower, but it’s barely making a difference and may have just been a mistake on my end. Throughout all of this, however, the tension holding was always an issue to me. I had to adjust it constantly and it never really held tension for as long as my main string, Alphaline.

This string is great feeling for a very specific taste that is not mine, and I hope I did a good job at conveying the qualities of the string outside of my own taste. It’s very assisting in performance while also feeling like a bed your fingers kind of sink into, even after the hour. I won’t be using this again, but I guarantee some of you will. Highly recommend spending the money for it if you’re looking for something VERY unique. Stats below.

Durability 30 min (4)
Durability 1 hr (4)
Personal Thickness Feel (1.5)
Whip Feel Break-In (4)
Whip Feel 1 hr (4)
Slack Feel Break-In (4.5)
Slack Feel 1 hr (4)
Tension Hold over 1 hour overall (2)
Softness during break-in (4) softest i’ve used, but TOO soft for me
Overall consistency over 1 hour (3.5)
Total: 31.5 x 2 = 63, 63 = D- graded based on letter system (A: 100-90, B: 89-80, C: 79-70, D: 69-60, F: 60<)

And here’s the link to the thread to get some. I won’t be buying the normal thickness given how much is on my plate, but I hope yall with a more traditional taste enjoy it in my stead: