Cake’s String Reviews

it’s definitely worth something, i also use OT slim for 2A and i’ve never had a problem with it. to be fair i’m still VERY new, but it feels great.

also, id like to remind people to view these as less of “here’s an objective fact about string follow this Now!” and more me sharing my feelings in a blog/archival format. with that being said…

Candy Wires Fat (Old) || B+ (88/100)

Man, this is good. An amazing thickness, not too fat but not too thin (but more on the thinner side of it had to choose). It’s plushy and a bit loosely wound , but it just feels soft. I think that’s the best way to describe it. It’s soft in texture, but also kind of in play too. Slacks are ever so slightly slow, but they open up amazing. They hold their shape pretty well (especially with suicides), and I don’t have any complaints. Whips are a bit wanting in terms of speed, but they’re plenty fast enough for you to get your laceration tricks landed with enough practice.

Over time, these qualities changed minimally, highlighting both to the durability of this string and the consistency of the slacks and whips. Even the tension holding was fine dealing with, but it did have a weird sort of tilt effect on my yoyo when i fixed tension. I don’t know what caused that, but I thought it’s worth mentioning for transparency. I’m thinking it has to do with the shape of the yoyo, but also the texture of it. The softness barely started to fade out after the hour, and even then it was still significantly softer than ot or alphaline / sochi at that point. It’s a fantastic string, only nitpicky complaints. Sad to see it’s not being made anymore to the best of my knowledge. Stats below.

Durability 30 min (4)
Durability 1 hr (4.5)
Personal Thickness Feel (4.5) so nice, modern normal/slim thickness tho
Whip Feel Break-In (4)
Whip Feel 1 hr (4)
Slack Feel Break-In (5)
Slack Feel 1 hr (5) waow
Tension Hold over 1 hour overall (4)
Softness during break-in (4) soft, not too soft
Overall consistency over 1 hour (5)
Total: 44 x 2 = 88, 88 = B+ graded based on letter system (A: 100-90, B: 89-80, C: 79-70, D: 69-60, F: 60<)