Cake’s String Reviews

busy week so no time for new review, here’s backlog #1 from early March?

MagicYoyo String || D- (60/100)

This wasn’t a very good string. From the start, the thickness was pretty good and the string itself felt incredibly plush, but not solid. This non-solid feeling was also present in slacks, where i couldn’t feel where the slack was going at all. It reminded me of being blindfolded, even though i could see the slack and somewhat knew where it would eventually land. The very light weight of the string contributes to this feeling too, creating an experience that i’m not much of a fan of. With openness of slacks, it’s much higher quality than I would expect, but the blindness effect continues.
Whips stayed kind of average for the whole hour, nothing too much to notice with them. Most of the performative features changed over time from tension holding and consistency.

Tension built up somewhat fast, but didn’t seem to get fully out, even when the string was perfectly neutral I would still get twists in slackicides and other tricks dependant on free slack. Combined with the mediocre durability (which frayed the string, made binds a bit worse feeling, but managed to keep the stretch), I’d only recommend this string if you’re in the beginner to intermediate range. The hindrances of the string shouldn’t harm a new player too much, so for the purpose of coming with those $20 bundles on [website redacted], this is fine. However, upgrade when you can! Stats below.

Durability 30 min (2.5)
Durability 1 hr (3.5) lots of grays but still has bouncer
Personal Thickness Feel (4)
Whip Feel Break-In (2.5) praying
Whip Feel 1 hr (2.5)
Slack Feel Break-In (3) feels light and blindfolded
Slack Feel 1 hr (3) flabby and invisible
Tension Hold over 1 hour overall (2.5)
Softness during break-in (4) very plush
Overall consistency over 1 hour (2.5)
Total: 30 x 2 = 60, 60 = D-, graded based on letter system (A: 100-90, B: 89-80, C: 79-70, D: 69-60, F: 60<)