Cake’s String Reviews

String Saturday! This is an important review but it’s kinda long, sorry about that (@_@)

I think this was one of the reviews that I had trouble just working through; everyone knows of kitty, everyone’s used kitty, and professional players who are way more qualified than me die by this string, so anything I have to say about it is going to be understood and critiqued way harder than the other strings. I thought that was a bit scary, but it’s always good for everyone to have a reference for how I grade (I grade like a strict professor) if people want to take my reviews more seriously.
This was a scary hurdle for me to jump, so I hope y’all enjoy :3

Kitty String First Class (Fat) || B- (82/100)
Kitty String First Class - 100 Count

If you told me this was XL string, I would’ve believed you. This had a solid thickness to it not only when you bind but when you use slack and whips, I think you can really feel it moving in the air. Every trick in my arsenal felt doable with Kitty, which was a really good feeling. This goes hand in hand with the consistency of the string, which doesn’t have that gambling feel of whipping and slacking with nylon where you never know how it’s going to move. Almost every performance factor was great, but not perfect in my opinion. The only “perfect” was slacks around 30 or 40 minutes in, because dear lord. They were so good I feel like that’s what the string was made for. I always knew where it was and how it moved, and I was always able to tweak it, which is also made possible by the great consistency. Besides performance, the string does have downsides as always. After the hour, it felt and looked worn, and the stretchiness of it was pretty used up. Along with that, this was not soft by any means, and I think it actually got less soft as time went on, which is weird since I’m used to string getting smoother as time goes on. The tension was pretty good though, which was a pleasant surprise. I didn’t mind TOO much correcting it.
Final verdict: This is great performing string, just make sure you change it out often if you’re throwing constantly, or else you’re going to be getting string burn and bad tension. There’s no reason to not use this, but if you have the money, I’d recommend trying out other brands. Stats below.

Durability 30 min (4)
Durability 1 hr (3) looks bad visibly, not as stretchy anymore
Personal Thickness Feel (4.5) waow ,
Whip Feel Break-In (4.5) perfectly doable
Whip Feel 1 hr (4)
Slack Feel Break-In (4.5) weight and feel is BEAUTIFUL
Slack Feel 1 hr (5) i can definitely see why pros use this now
Tension Hold over 1 hour overall(3.5) good
Softness during break-in (3.5) sandpaperish, got better after break in
Overall consistency over 1 hour (4.5) not bad at ALL
Total: 41 x 2 = 82 graded based on letter system (A: 100-90, B: 89-80, C: 79-70, D: 69-60, F: 60<)

To help read reviews better, I recommend identifying which factors you care about most (consistency for comp, slack and whips for your personal style, thickness and softness for comfort, etc.) and keeping those more in mind than others. I like to give general overviews, and let you all decide your specifics if that makes sense. Agreeing isn’t necessary, and disagreeing is healthy since it helps you grow your own opinion! I hope you all liked this one, thanks for reading :heart_hands: