C13, Wedgie

So I’m stuck between those yoyos, I really like the shape of the wedgie while I’m loving the splash on the c13, I’ve been hearing mixed reviews about it tho, stuff like it won’t sleep long cuz of the bearing and stuff, or that it’s really light…
So anyone who has tried both, please tell me what’s worth my money here :smiley:
I’m also looking into way more 1A play than 5A

wedgie, get it NOW the c13 is a bit unstable if your throw is off even a tiny bit, on the plus side over time your throw will get better. the wegie on the other hand is just purely amazing as is every other BBYY i have owned/own or tried

what if I stick a KK in it?

Wedgie. Trust me. It is gonna rock your socks off. C13 is ok I guess but its not that fun to play with after a few minutes. I’ve had several wedgies. Still have my proto and gave Brian (aka 1110001010010100101001100010101) my gold wedgie.

Get the wedgie.

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