buying a CLYW

i need help buying which yoyo to buy (good thing i live in the same city as CLYW )… i like to buy one of the following campfire, gnarwal, avalance or sasquash( sorry for the missed spelt name)
also i love my hitman and i want a yoyo simallar to the spec (cuz if the shape)
pls help btw this is my first CLYW and i want it to be a good buy thanks

I recommend the gnarwhal, the sasquatch is very similar but larger, the only reason i like the gnarwhal more is because its smaller and built for faster play. I’ve never tried the avalanche but i’ve heard great things about it. The Campfire’s a lil small for my liking, but i think any CLYW yoyo is a great one.

i would wait 4 the avalanche

If you like the Hitman shape, you should get a Peak :wink:

If you’re looking for “main throw” material, I’d say count the Campfire out. The super-undersized dimensions tend to lend itself to a different goal than the others (pocket throw vs. main throw). Any of the other ones are super popular at the moment, so I have a feeling you’ll be more than satisfied with any one of them.