Brick and mortar yoyo stores in southern California?

Gunnzo also sells some yoyos in a store called Anime Jungle in Little Tokyo LA.


Anime Jungle had a pretty sizable yoyo selection before the pandemic. I would call or message them before making the trip out there as parking a annoying af in downtown LA.


Games of Berkeley in Berkeley has a decent size of YYF and some YYR inventory along with Kendamas.


Was about to drive down there and check out the selection. Luckily I called first… they no longer carry yoyos :pensive:

Yah, sorry. They had them in stock up until around 2019-2020. And if I remember, a bit of One Drops. Always wondered what happened to their stock.

They told me their supplier stopped distributing to them.

Go to DXL. It’s better than a yoyo store. Some amazing throwers and great people. They get together once a month:


I would love to. Hopefully I make it out that way sometime soon. It’s about an hour away from me. Not too big a deal but when you drive all around the city every day for work it’s a bit ruff. LA traffic blows.