Boutique String Recommendations

i have around 5k+ different string from company because I want to try all of it last year

kitty 6/10 - was good years ago when no other competitor
OTS was 5/10 - good if you do not have money because cheap. significantly worse than sochi xl, QC is not best in my experience and many strings have uneven tension throughout. yellow was like kitty & degrade fast. pink give me and my friends hand rashes, and white was barely twisted tight. its loose and gross
alphaline 7.8/10 - cool color little too thin for me. (i have all colors) it is very good string though. and feels new for a long time!
sochi xl 9/10 still my favorite it so soft and nice in yellow.i bulk order so i have few hundred of every color - orange is crunchy and thick I like it. pink too. the other colors are okay. yellow soft and amazing 10/10. have a few hundred green and they are all twisted bad/uneven and have rough areas on string.

I also have lot of random zipline and other type brand string with poly nylon blends. almost every version from most small boutique shop (example: I get every kind zipline sell in every color) .i don’t like any of them enough to keep buying for the price. i like new string feel, so I change my string maybe every time I get up to yoyo for some time.

on nylon: nylon airtec and spool was good, but it gets dirty and less vivid after a month (but feels new forever!) and even after washing you never get vivid fully back. sometimes I do a month of nylon, but I feel annoyed when string is no longer vibrant.
I like nylon is bouncy new but when it breaks in and loses bounce and SNAP my finger every time I throw yoyo and I do not like this personally.


I like small boutique string, but not enough to buying $1-2ea strings forever.u i buy enogh nylon from them to last me for life, but I still prefer basic poly usually. i have hundreds of yoyo and to play musical chairs with few expensive boutique string on so many yoyo is annoying. Sochi XL until I die for me now! sometime I will put on some nylon or blends, but after they get dirty and wash some times I just throw out and go back to poly sochi.

thankyou for reading


I agree with most of this, but my OT has been nice pretty much all the time, though I did have one bum string recently.

I find Sochi to be a bit rougher than OT, but have not gotten a batch of it, just an odd one here and there from purchases. I will give Sochi XL a buy next time i’m shoppin’, I trust your opinions and experience.

I agree about alphaline, that stuff is great!

i think sochi change recipe.

i assume all the non-yellow color I get (baby blue, blue, red, black, white, green, pink, orange etc) was old recipe. it is all rough, but feel good when broken in. i assume this is all old recipe because for ever 100 pack of yellow sold maybe 1 blue or green is sold. so safe to guess this is all old recipe and stock on hand from years+

i get 1000 yellow, I assume it new recipe because it is very different than weird color I get. it is the sofest most expensive feel string I ever feel. it feel like new nylon, but degrade like poly. it is amazing. i am fiend for it I blow through dozens a day because it feel so good fresh out of pack.

i hope this explains to you


Do you have any experience with Sochi pro?

Yes I also get all the pro string

Kt(I think is name?) was no better than alpha line.
Phoenix sucked. Barely twisted. Very loose string

I don’t remember if there is other pro. I have so much string it is a blur lol