String thickness

Currently I am using tall fat kitty but I still think I need a little thicker. Tall xl is not a thing so what string are you tall people using?

Airetics and Markmont.Formulas are the only strings I’ll use anymore, the latter you can buy here at YYE. If you want thick, the Cumulous Foam is fantastic, as is the Blue Eyed White Dragon.

Aw, I tried the mark monts and they are decent, but they aren’t soft or worth it, especially for the price

Soft is for sissies. And Markmonts are totally worth it. I’m still using the very first ones I bought MONTHS ago, and poly typically lasts me less than an hour before it’s destroyed. I’m using strings I’ve got over 20 hours of use on. Another I’ve got 10 hours on just now a single strand finally broke.

Airetics are soft if that’s your thing, and that’s what all the cool people are using these days. They last a long time too.

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I guess sochi xl is like sochi fat but longer. Sochi fat is a bit thicker than Kitty fat so I think that would work for you!


Good call on the Sochi. That’ll work for him, and is much better than Kitty IMO.


Yeah. My experience is much better. Better tension management and whips a little faster, but not crazy fast so it’s good for slacks. It’s also a bit cheaper. My favourite bulk string so far(haven’t tried boutique).