Boasting - Everyone likes to boast once in a while just for fun!


that doesn’t have to do with anything…

Back on topic…

I won $100 at a talent show for getting crowd choice in front of 500 people!!!

Awesome! how long have you been yo-yoing?

Ill share something…

I landed my first brent stole (on accident) when i had only yoyoed for 1 and a half months, and i didnt know what it was at first and felt awesome!

Okay I looped when i was seven and when I was 12 I began with a freehand and got through about the intermediate tricks. when i was 17 I picked up my old duncan and got back into it. About a week later i found yoyoexpert (a.k.a. Yoyo heaven) and ordered a hitman. Now im almost nineteen and i yoyo for at least an hour a day and love to innovate and teach people what I have accrued( given I’m not the best teacher)

Long answer for a simple question :wink:

Oh and i knew someone who counted the votes and they said i won by a landslide.

I have a loop900 that doesn’t loop. Beat that! and a completely unresponsive Yomega Fireball!!!