This is just a list and set of scenarios for my friends and family (Obviously it may be too much and they can tweak it) Any thing you guys would add?
Before I list the scenarios, here are the different types of yoyos and what each category consists of:
Very High End (VHE): YYF Titanium Dream, OD Citizen, Turning Point Leviathan 7, Luftverk Evora, and YYR Draupnir.
High End (HE): CLYW New Sasquatch*, CLYW Puffin 2, CLYW Orca, OD Valor, G-Squared Marvel, CLYW Scout, C3 Berserker RX, Tropic Spins Capricorn, and Turning Point Positron.
Budget (B): Turning Point Shake, Yoyo Officer Hatchet 2, OD Gradient, C3 Accelerator, OD Rally, Rebellion Butcher, and Whimsy Roar.
One VHE, One HE, and maybe one B (MOST DESIRED SCENERIO)
That’s what I was thinking… He chose some extremely high priced yoyo’s. Even the budget yoyo’s he chose weren’t exactly budget price. lol But you never know, things can happen.
Well, the only yoyo in the VHE category that is actually in stock anywhere is the Levi 7, and the TI Dream. I’d probably go with the Levi 7 there, but It’s all up to you.
G2 Marvel would be your best bet in my opinion for the HE category. If not the Marvel, then the Beserker RX, Scout, or Orca.
Rebellion Qilin is for sure your best bet as far as a budget metal would go.
If I ever gave my parents “scenarios” on my birthday lists when I was younger they would have just laughed in my face. Make a list and be happy with what you get.
just give them a list of the throws you want, and hope you get one. Be realistic and think about what what your parents may have to do to get them.
Your expectation of “scenarios” is going to do nothing but cause a massive let down since your expectation is so high. Id let that idea go and trade it for simple, humble, and thankful.
As a parent, I chuckled at scenarios. We have taught our kids to prioritize their birthday and Christmas lists. We also let them know there is a budget, if they want the big ticket item, they may get that, but not other things on the list.
Ninety percent of the “Budget” Yoyos cost quite a bit. I got a Subway gift card and a pat on the back, so those may be in your price range for your birthday.
But for your “Scenarios”
VHE: as the only one you can currently get in that price range is the Leviathan 7.
HE: Capricorn, because I’m close with Davis. But, if I may give more options, the Spin Dynamics Flow and Alter-Ego. Both very solid from my friends there.
B: Rally, because it is the Rally. Nuff said. But, try some of the cheaper ones. Diffusions, One Stars, Protostars, Ones. Those are the real budget ones.
I agree with you there, for my birthday I didn’t make a crazy list. I was happy even if I was able to get one yoyo. And I wasn’t expecting anything crazy. True I got some amazing yoyos for my birthday and I was super surprised by it. But I didn’t ask for anything crazy. I kept my expectations low and turned out really happy with what I got. Like Erik said, lower your expectations and just be happy you received a new throw… Kids these days think they need the best of the best, and that’s not always the way to go. I’m sure its been debated alot. Does a good yoyo make a thrower good. Or is it the thrower that makes the yoyo look good.
I could just be rambling on. Sorry I just woke up.