bigyo sleep time

just wondering???
like i mean i just want to know an estimate, because the throw can make a huge difference

thanks ;D

I span the bigyo for 2:05. :slight_smile:

thats 2x the spin time of my pgm

I seriously doubt it. Just work on your throw.

Why does it matter “how long” it sleeps?

idk, i just want to have enough time to be able to do long tricks and when ur learning them at first you go through them slower

it actually sleeps amazingly well for something that looks like it is just for kicks. i expected it to be kinda bad but i can make it sleep longer than i can make my cousin’s journey.

My new record for bigyo now is 3:39!!! ;D

Nice, but i think sleep time will decrease if you do 4a, oh sorry that happens to me,when i use my yoyo for 4a the sleep time becomes 50% shorter than using it in 1a

No, actually 2:39…