Bigyo 2 vs. Aquarius

I am deciding between them. I found a place that has the Aquarius for the normal price so that doesn’t matter. Which one should I get?

Either choice would be fine.

Bigyo’s are nice cause they are easier to catch if you like flashy whip and catch tricks.
And they can bounce and grind better than an aqua…

But Aquas are not as big so they can fit in smaller string segments if you like to mix it up with some tech 4A.
Also they are a bit more grippy in response.

You will be happy with either one.

I personally like the bigyo more than aquas, but thats just me.

Good luck with whatever you choose!


idk a aqua has rubber rims so it wount ding up the yoyo and the tiny bearing space causes it 2 snag when two strings are in the gap but the bigyo is good for whips,but it snags when two strings are in he gap. i recommend buying shims with them to stop snagging and if u buy a bigyo u should buy some big o-rings to go around the rims to prevent a dinged up yo.

I’m pretty sure the BigYo is made out of either a soft plastic or rubber…


Yeah, is it hard or soft plastic?

i havent ever thrown a bigyo but i have an aqua and it grabs the string to much and snags so i am going to invest in a bigyo

I have one and it is definitely just plane ole hard plastic.

Mine doesnt snag at all. Screw it all the way and the loosen it one full hand turn it wont snag.

Aquarius. Since it’s discontinued, you can buy it, keep it in mint condition, and in about 50 years, resell it. It’ll be such a collectors item it will sell for 1.0 x 10^9 dollars.

It’s all about investments my friend.

Thanks! I looked at your responses and decided on the Bigyo. Thanks for your help!

For those that doubt the stock aqua check out Ian Cole’s contest video’s. Its all he uses. He is totally amazing. The bigyo2 is ok and either will help you learn.

Even IF haven’t tried the Bigyo, And I’ve try The Aquarius (Because I have one :D)

I go to Bigyo.