better throw

How do I make my throw better??? ??? ???

Sleeper - Most commonly asked items are:

  • My yoyo doesn’t sleep long enough.
  • My yoyo tilts when it sleeps, making it not sleep long enough.

Ok, logically, one would assume that the remedy for these problems would be to: Throw harder, and throw straighter. Well, that would be correct!

Throwing harder isn’t too difficult. Just use some extra force without damaging anything.

Keeping your throw straight is one of the most important things you can do. It is the entire soul of your yoyoing. You can’t do anything without a good throw. So, “how do I make my throw straight?” you ask. Alas, here is a good exercise:

Look around your home. Chances are, whether it be in a bathroom, or the kitchen, or a hall, there should be some flooring that has long, thin lines. Like gaps between wood planks or tiles. Stand with your yoyo above this line. Throw the sleeper. The goal of the exercise is to line the gap of the yoyo up with the line on the floor. That should keep your sleeper good and straight. Repeat often, until you no longer have to look at a line to get a straight throw.

Theoretically, the yoyo should spin completely straight, with the string completely vertical from the yoyo. If the yoyo tilts, the string will rub against the walls. This will cause friction, and slow down the spin. Therefore, that straight throw should really help you out.


Usually in this trick, the problem is the throw being crooked, making it hard to land a trapeze and other such tricks. Well, this can also be helped with some practice.

Time to explore your home again! This time, look for a large wall. A wall big enough for you to throw breakaways in front of without hitting anything. Face the wall, with your toes a few inches away. Throw your breakaway. Now, you should be able to not hit the wall at all. That’s the mark of a good breakaway. Start out far away, maybe a foot or two, to get the feel. Then, get closer and closer. This ought to straighten out your throw.