I think the PGM is a great shape for 5A, but I feel the stackless PGM is the better choice only because of the lack of stacks. I have my DieNasty(glowing) set up for 5A.
I prefer my Destiny, but yeah, the DieNasty/PGM shapes seem very well suited for 5A.
A lot of people want to learn 5A on the cheap. I don’t blame them. I think the Classic is a well rounded performer. It’s versatile(1A,3A,5A), adjustable(thin/wide bearing), easily modded(silicone or pads or #11 rubber rings), durable, rugged and super affordable.
I started learning 5A on a FHZ and I didn’t like it. I’m better throwing now so that’s been a major improvement. The glowing DieNasty was my next 5A, but I am matching that up with a super heavy CW, so that doesn’t help much and actually works against me. The YYJ Pinnacle, along with the Freakhands are just too light. Someone I know uses his Protostar and Trigger for 5A, of which I feel the Trigger is a slightly better shape. Another friend of mine set his stackless grind machine up for 5A and I think that’s a great inexpensive configuration.
As for me, for now, the YYJ Destiny works good for me. As I improve there, I will drop back to my Pinnacle, then my Freakhand, then my FHZ and FHZ Pulse, and then my DieNasty with a proper CW on it. I might put a better CW on my blue DieNasty. I do not want to use metals for 5A play until I get a lot better, so no way my Roll Model is going to be used for 5A for a LONG time!
The severe(2012) is my current setup for 5a, it works great, but if you want to buy the severe it cost at least 40$, play like a metal and is delrin(machined plastic) but the price is worth it.
My favorite set up i saw was a Duncan rubber ball cw with a mighty flee. One kid did it at my yoyo club it worked very well and he was good with it. Also mentioning the cw was bigger then the yoyo lol
Steve Brown said something along the lines of the Roll Model was designed to be a good daily carry, casual throw, competitor and a 1A and 5A beast. It seems Steve Brown’s yoyos all have a very similar profile.
As far as me not being good enough for a metal for 5A: No argument. I’m in complete agreement. When I improve, I might move to a metal.