There’s many great yoyos nowadays, that’s why you’re seeing so many different answers. And there’s throws that I’ve enjoyed just playing with more.
But those 3 are the undisputed best yoyos I’ve ever laid my hands on. I can’t think of another yoyo I’ve tried that I would put on the same tier as those 3
To be completely honest though we’ve kind of peaked in terms of design and pure performance. Which is why the 2013 Draupnir is STILL regarded as the best to ever be released by many people
I know this is an old thread but I wanted to ask something similar. What yo-yos among the best of the last few years have been embraced the most among competitive yoyoers?
From my past experience a lot of what the forum/internet community embraced as the top yo-yos didn’t always align with what the top yo-yos were among the competitive crowd that often doesn’t spend as much time chiming in online.
It’s not pre-2010 anymore where multiple top competitors are using the same yoyo. The last time we’ve seen this happen I’m pretty sure was 2014(I think that’s the right year) when like 5 worlds finalists used the YYR Draupnir. That yoyo’s still considered one of the best today. Partly because there’s many great yoyos that are competition viable now and partly because people just use whatever company they’re sponsored by made. The top 5 or so players in the game right now just use their own signature yoyos.
There isn’t really even a general consensus over what the top 3 or 5 best yoyos are right now in the community but the Draupnir is still the pinnacle benchmark for what a perfect competition yoyo should be.