Best video game ever?

Yes I loved the way whether or not you did stealth or straight out gun blazing affected the game. Same with lethal or non lethal. I’m happy that the dev’s are releasing more dlc though. Hopefully they will make a sequel or a completely different game with just as fun of a story but longer. One of the complaints I heard with reviewers was that the characters were a bit boring. I think a longer story could help them develop and be a lot more interesting.

You all have flipped your lids!!



Although I can’t put it on a GOAT list, I also got an enormous satisfaction out of Disgaea DS.

Steam is having a sale… Skyrim is 75% off…

Also worth noting is that Dark Souls in 80% off. I highly reccommend buying Dark Souls, but you do need a gamepad if you want to play it though.

Abby have old gameboy advance. She finds them very fun and unique especially with the old Pokemon and Mario games.

Okay I’ve rethought this. It either has to be banjo & kazoo or super smash brothers.

Why is Abby referring to herself in third person?

Skyrim is absolutely amazing, I can play that game for hours on end and still never stop. I’ve gone through it 4 times already and do new things ever time. I can’t wait to see what elder scrolls online has to offer on my PS4…

have you heard about TES online? I’m stoked!

Mario Kart all the way


Assassins Creed Black Flag!

Forza 5!

(yes I have the Xbox One)

I’m going to be 100% honest here, I don’t think Skyrim is anywhere close to GOTY material. It lacks graphical fidelity and optimization, an effective combat system, a good and engaging story, and it’s way to repetitive. I’ve played for like 5 hours and it already feels tedious - walk to this place (It’s really more of a walk than a run) walk a mile through the dungeons while killing 12 billion easy to defeat guys, walk back, then listen to the guy drone on about your next quest (Which is basically the same) and collect more stuff you don’t care about.

I think that the game had great potential, and was seriously dumbed down for the masses. Many people say that the game is only fun with mods, but that kind of proves my point now, doesn’t it?

Exactly. Morrowind it is not.

Yeah, I see your point. I had fun in the dark brotherhood and The DLCs, but that’s about it. But I found the combat system to be very good. However I do have a sword that makes people stagger on every hit, armor to walk on water, and a sword that freezes people on every hit. The armor and weapons are so O.P. It makes playing the game completely fun! Just think to watch your foes stagger, then freeze to death. Besides I have a dragon I can ride on to the locations :smiley:

But I think I like Fable 2, I just remembered that game! I probably have, like, 2,000,000 gold right now. I haven’t played in 1 year and I stopped with 1,200,000 gold. Yyyeeeaahhh that just knocked skyrim out of the picture

Home alone for snes…kidding. That’s hard to say. I used to love ff7 or legends of legia. My all time fav that I am desperately waiting for a remake and a sequel is Warcraft 3 frozen throne. I played that game thousands of hours.

A Warcraft 4 game would be amazing. The sad thing is though, that I don’t think it will ever get close to what WC3 was (and still is for that matter), mostly because of the way works right now.

I really liked Dishonoured, I played it slow so it didn’t seem short to me. Also, Castlevania Lords of Shadow was amazing and I can’t wait to play the 2nd instalment of that as well. And Okami can be added to my list of best video games.

The cake is a lie.

Ocarina of Time is epic…well any Zelda for that matter. Even the clones are great, ie Okami and first spyro for game cube.

Metal Gear Solid blew my mind, switching controllers made me feel like a genius. IMHO, Deus Ex reminded me a lot oh MGS.

Paper Mario 1, Boarderlands, both portals, Super Mario Galaxy and too many more to name.

Have not played that much recently due to yoyoing in free time.

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