Best type of string?

What is the best type of yoyo string?

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Mine. My home brew

Subjectively, of course


Uhhh isn’t there already a thread for this?


Here are a few of my favorites as of current:

Heart strings the white
Big Bang bandalores string theory
Mfd vines
Kitty nylon 1.5


Fresh string.


That’s a tough one, of course, since best can mean a lot of things. What are you looking for? Throwing performance, open loops, soft on hands, longest lasting, cheapest, bouncy, feels great while playing, lightening fast whips, not too fast whips, good for wide gaps, great colorways, not snaggy, extra length, cool company, reliable binds, component materials, responsive, non-responsive etc., etc., etc.


Something along these lines is “best”. There is no best, there’re are preferences. More importantly, while some yo-yos play nice with a lot of different strings, sometimes you need to experiment to find the string that gets a particular yo-yo to play the way you like it.

I recently had that experience with my new Quail. I was getting frustrated with it until I put a String Theory on it. I haven’t been using those much, because they seem finicky on binds. With the Quail they bind great, and make it less snaggy on backspin elements!

Some I like:
Heart Strings- The White, and whatever the blends are called
YYE- cotton 10 for fixed axle
YYSL- Venom and Ammo
Zip Line- various

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I just want the longest lasting string. My parents are cheap and they don’t like to buy string a lot.:sob:


I would go with Big Bang bandalores string theory. I have yet to go through a string and I have had it for a year or so (haven’t really used one in a couple months though). That being said, it takes a lot of getting used to. It’s really stiff at first and difficult to bind. After you break it in a bit and get used to it, it becomes much easier.


Yeah, longest lasting definitely goes to String Theory, but only because Angel Hair isn’t made anymore. At least I don’t think it is, but you can still find it. It’s hard to even wear one of them out! Takes Forever to break in Angel Hair…

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Make your own strings.
It’s really fun for me. I love the entire experience and experimentation.

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