Best looping string

Anyone that likes doing loops have a favorite string? I have some loop 720’s and should use them more for looping but instead i just loop all my modern responsives. So i can play string tricks if i want also. I’m mainly using kitty fat white string and its fine but doesn’t last very long. Thought I would try zipline string but it doesn’t seem to last as long as the kitty string. Got a random markmont string on a black cannon I ordered and am considering getting more of their string. Because I see people say it last forever. What are your thoughts?


Sochi loop string and p44 course slim are my go to

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How do those compare to kitty have you used it? I guess i’m looking for something that keeps tension well. Some of it is probably my technique. Need to learn outside loops. And i didn’t realize inside loops loosened string then was doing sidewinders on the wrong side making it evn looser.

I think p44 holds tension well but for 2a not sure if worth the cost as you burn through string anyway, Sochi seemed pretty good I haven’t used Kitty for looping well I lie some of my trades had Kitty and it seemed fine

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Thanks will try some sochi.

HKMT Arata are my favorites for that. They last a fairly long time for me and I’m pretty aggressive looping. They’re also softer and less scratchy on the finger than Kitty or Sochi, yet don’t slip off. At least for me.

The starburst response chews threw string no matter what kind you use. The Sochi is an excellent choice. Most bulk string works since you change it constantly. Shu Takada said he uses Kitty regular but he could probably use a shoelace.

Good to know. I don’t use my loopers with the startburst as much as i should. Mostly doing it on pad yoyos but thinking its just hard on string regardless.

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A pad yoyo like an oracle will eat string a bit less but they aren’t as consistent still it’s all preference in the end.

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Yo. Let’s revive this cause a few of the brands I like getting looping string from don’t have string available.

So what do folks use?

Also it’s nearly April might need some bulk thin/ normal string soon

I’ve settled on the normal sochi and kitty fat.

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I like the Sochi loop mostly because I’m lazy and don’t have to cut to size. It is unfortunately sold out around these here parts.

Right now I’m mostly using Kitty FC Normal and OTS Slim.

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White kitty first class normal has yielded the most consistent results for me so far


Fist Salud Loop String. I don’t 2A as much as I’d like, but I really like these strings.

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I love Fist Salud Looping String but cannot find them anywhere without importing and then it’s old stock.

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Yeah this is my problem first salud followed by Sochi and both are sold out or dead stock overseas. P44 thin is good for looping but they take forever to ship. Kitty normal or thin seems to be the only option. Anyone ever try rcs oh Canada string to loop?

Rcs strings are custom Sochi strings iirc. It was very thin like 3 years ago but then they restocked and it was more of a normal thickness. Idk if it ever went back to the super thin stuff.

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Also, they ship from the us I believe. Waylon lives in like Ohio or something

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I just use Kitty normal all the time. I have some really cool colors, but yellow is what I use the most.

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I am using kitty first class normal and its working great for me

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