best GT Ever!!!

here is a GT I found, and I think its the best triangle Ever! it’s called “Magic triangle”. here is my tutorial:

tell me what you think!  :wink:
  -Titanium221  8)

Cool. Nice and simple way to do GT. I like it =)

I think that might already be invented. And if you just drop your wrist youll get a G.T you dont ave to pop it up.

No, he went into a Trapeze and his Brother mount and popped it, it is very similar to a regular Green Triangle but not the same.

Cool! Smoothly done, nice quirky move. I like it!

Just one thing: When you do a tutorial that has a triangle, always state if the triangle is dismounted in the front or the back! Otherwise, it was excellent!

sorry, I forgot to put that in. you pop the GT out.

You mean towards you? Out sounds like away from you.

Nice. What yo?

Dark Magic. ;D

It is away.

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Oh so you pop the yoyo up between the string going to your throwhand finger and you? oh ok. Cool.