Best grinding yoyo

I am curious what yoyo people think is the best at grinding. I figure that shape, weight distribution and finish are the main things that affect grinds.

So what yoyo grinds for days?

Edit. Of finishes I have tried the bape2 has the best but I don’t think the shape leads to long grinds.

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It depends on which grind you’re doing. For finger grinds the best shape I’ve used is a wide step-straight or inverse round, like ND or Statement, which gives clearance for the finger. Being a bimetal (or at least big in diameter) helps to keep it going even with the friction.

Talon grinds just need a good finish and lower width so you can grab the yoyo easily.

I imagine the BiND and Meerkat are very good at it, though the Meerkat is going to be tough for talon grinds due to the ring placement.





A bimetal would help spin time but I wonder if the rings get in the way ever. Not spent too much time with bimetals. Would inner rings be best or do they get in the way of talon grinds.

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I think it’s more because the rings are usually polished and not good for grinds.

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@jakebullock posted on IG that the Metalhead is the best grinding yoyo he has ever played


Inner rings usually get in the way a bit, but something like the BiND that’s not an issue. Usually though, it depends on the size of the rings and whether you’re grinding them on your fingers or on your nails.


Finger grinds I really enjoy my puff adder and shutter WA. Also really enjoy every general yo with their blast.


I’ve had similar experience with the Puff Adder being good for grinds, it’s actually my best throw for them, but I don’t have a big collection to compare to. How’s the Death Adder on grinds compared to the PA?


Endgame for finger grinds


Personally, I like the blast on the puff adder better, but the death adder is still very solid as it has the same shape.


My brother says the Metalhead is his best grinding yoyo too. Due to shape and finish.


Anything general yo blasted.

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The magpie is definitely the best grinding yoyo I’ve tried actually. The shape just makes it hang on your finger forever.


I agree with Mark. I haven’t tried most of these, but the Sstatement is the best grinding yoyo I’ve ever tried. There’s something about that U-Shape that is exceptional at grinding :thinking:

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My Yyf Space Crown is the best yoyo for finger grinds I own. 10 seconds+ is the norm, and the 7068 aluminium seems to greatly aid with finger spins even on a flat hub. Any thing with a big step and plenty of space for your index finger seems to work well.

Might be an older on but the Horizon grinds very well.