(idk if this is the right topic to put it under lol, feel free to move it)
i sprained my left wrist skiing the other day, and im only able to use one hand.
ive been doing some 2A, but ive really wanted to get back into begleri.
i made my own with nuts and paracord, and it works pretty well? i dont know because i ahve nothing to compare it too lol
but i was wondering what a good solid begleri set would be for cheap. i would make a LF post but i have no money.
also what tricks should i learn? i can really only do wraps, mount transfers, slips, and rebounds, nothing outside of the most baisc tricks
any advice/tips/recomdendations are greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!!
As far as gear, I have nice sets but IMO there is no reason to spend money unless you want to. I would be fine with random bolts (nuts) and a bootlace if that is all I had to work with.
@hsb yes i want to spend money and get something cool, i just have no idea what would be a good one to get, or what to look for, or how much it matters or anything. i also have not a lot of money lol so im wondering what ones play good for being cheap
Picking a set worth buying is a much harder question.
I think Aroundsquare has the widest variety, but it also illustrates the myriad of minute preferences.
If I had to start over, I’d use Aroundsquare as a guide and make my own combinations to narrow down the possibilities - weight, number of beads, shape etc. Then spring for a nice version of what works best.