Beefhook tutorial and progress thread

Ayee, good job Cotton!!


Thanks Owen


I’m vegetarian but please help me cook this beef to perfection. À point, s’il vous plaît.

This clip is typical of my hit rate. It is mostly off the hook and not in the good way :cry:

Twice I hit it. Critique appreciated. What am I doing wrong?


Try to keep a little more tension on the string when you release it :slight_smile:


I wanna hear about some beefhook progress, people.

For me, I studied the Matio video again and saw how he and Tatsuya keep their NTH still but move their TH towards the yoyo for the catch (others do move their NTH but I’m gonna learn it the OG way). Focusing on that has helped my incremental progress on this trick.

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My favorite way to do the beef hook is from the one and a half mount. If you swing the yo-yo left, undercut with NTH first finger, and then swing counter clockwise outside TH (slip your TH finger off the string) and catch the rightmost string (off your TH) with your thumb, you’re set up for the Beef Hook. Then when (if) you land it, you just spin clockwise once around your TH, once around both hands (switch your thumb for NTH finger in the loop) and you’re back in a 1.5.


Looks like sometimes it’s not high enough, and/or the loop doesn’t have enough time to get around under it. One of the tutorials I watched pointed out that the yo-yo has to get higher than for other hooks.


Yes letting the yoyo go up higher or slightly pulling with your NTH to quicken the loop.


My two cents to add to this is try to get your finger above the yo-yo like you would on a regular hook. All of those except the last one your finger is catching the slack either just below or right next to the yo-yo. If you catch the slack above the yo-yo it will give the slack a chance to make it around the yoyo.

Also to open up the slack when you hit the string move your non throw hand towards your body .


Great, thanks fellas. I’ll try your suggestions tomorrow. Respect

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After about 10 days of on and off attempts I finally landed one. I feel like I’m a member of an elite club now. I hope to land it again in another 10 days.


Awesome job! Keep at it man :slight_smile:


Ugh. This trick. :crazy_face:

Binding is easier and more fun.

But a great toot!


Haha, thank you :blush:


Making enough progress to where I’m thinking of using beefhook in little combo ideas. Much better hit rate now.

Other than the recent tips, I’ve also focused on working the plane to where the loop stays open and hooks around the close half of the yoyo. It’s working.

The bird, however, wants in on it too. :yo-yo::parrot: How can I practice under these conditions? :face_with_monocle::triumph::laughing:


Risk vs reward on this trick is ZERO! So deceptively difficult and the average onlooker won’t realize. ! I love to hate it.


Dude that was awesome


Hey thanks for the good tips! :pray:


Hello fellow throwers. How’s the progress on the beefhook problem?

The grind has been paying off here. I just jumped my record of 2 beefhooks in a row to 4 in a row.

Launching the yoyo a little higher, slightly tracking the NTH closer to the body (but not moving it side to side) as the string whips around to open the loop more, and smoothly bringing the TH a bit up and out to meet the yoyo at the catch location has all made the difference.


It’s like a secret handshake though. You learn Beefhook, you do a million Beefhooks for a million crowds who just wanna see Walk the Dog, until that one magical day when a sophisticated voice from among the throng of cavemen breathes “OMG you can land Beefhook!”

And you’ll look up, and lock eyes, and angels will sing, and the two of you will disappear into the sunset together, discussing life and art and the higher nuances of whip tricks and weight distribution.

At least I hope that’s what eventually happens, because otherwise I’ve got a lot of hours tossed down the drain here.
