Usually no unless the axle is bent or something. It’s going to be caused by the weight close to the rim of the yoyo not being distributed evenly around the circle.
I had a couple Merlins, they are good for doing responsive play, no so much unresponsive. Yoyoking released the Jester as a plastic that can be changed to unresponsive. It also sucks at it though, just way to light. Basically just good to learn your bind on. That’s how I used it atleast.
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It does play nice as a responsive yo-yo, so I keep it that way.
It was a 13$ so not a big deal, but I think it’s great! It’s heavier than the YYF One, I compared the two, and I like my merlin pro glow the most.
My glow in the dark yo-yo string is on the way too.
Then it’s time to give a little 'glow in the dark ’ show