actually i did spend a lot of time searching for FREE CAD i had no idea that Google actually have a program named sketch up and NO its not worth it. How many times did a person
linked a site how many times did someone ask for a thing that he searched for and couldn’t find and i specifically asked him so u shouldn’t have even bothered and replied if he have read my request he could just simply PMed me the Link or link it as (Link) and no body would have got hurt ! my point is that if some one asked for help don’t go all its against the rules and stuff just help him with a Little note at the end saying if u want anything next time just PM me. :wink: :slight_smile: :smiley:


Let’s try this…go learn some basic grammar and punctuation. Then, learn basic internet search skills. Finally, go back and read this entire thread. Now, put all of this information together. Let me know when you’ve caught up. Until then, sit quietly at the kids table while grown-ups are speaking. Jenga.

politely I just wont answer u.

WOW! SO grown up.

NOTE:We are NOT in an English Exam :stuck_out_tongue: x__x

Point proven.

u know what i got bad grammar u got a problem with that if so keep it to urself okay the whole situation IS NON OF UR FREAKING BUSINESS >:(

Heres a friendly suggestion, since this conversation between fady and shaunC has absoulutly nothing to do with the current thread anymore, you guys pm each other about it.

sorry but he was driving me mad man

You’re probably right, M2. Fady and I should finish this conversation privately, in a few years, if he manages to reach adulthood.

Don’t say sorry, be the bigger man and ignore him, instead of picking on people to make himself feel superior.

So is there any update BB?

Not unless you’re pro. Ernie puts his designs on CAD in like 10-30 minutes. :stuck_out_tongue:

“I will have ideas in my head for months before I get them down on CAD.
It isn’t always just the shape of a yoyo that starts it out. It is the idea of where weight should be, and most important…where it shouldn’t. Sounds crazy, but I loose sleep at night because I cant stop thinking about machining ideas that will make my yoyos smoother. When the time comes for me to get a design on the machine, I only spend about 15 minutes at the computer to get those ideas out per yoyo. The actual key board, and mouse CAD work is the easy part. The ideas and concepts are the thoughts that take the time.”

When I said it doesn’t take 10 minutes, I meant it takes less than, not more than.

Ooooh, ok. lol

Look who is talking about growing up !!!

And you had to make a last comment… -.- Can someone see a flamewar about to happen?

hahaha i just couldnt hold ma self :stuck_out_tongue: he is UAAAHHH u know what i mean

just leave the thread…

By saying that, you just proved his point and he just won. Now just stop posting on an irrelevant subject. BB is there an update? Like have you gotten a machinist?

Off topic: not to be rude but mind ur own work :wink: sorry but i gotta say it( cameron dont quote dat)
On Topic: BB try Google sketch up its so easy to use and fun too

Oops. :stuck_out_tongue:


the other words weren’t for u though ;D
BB is so gonna report us LOL JK