Wow! This yoyo look awesome. The Juvenile Offender is my favorite yoyo, so this has a lot to live up to, but I’d definitely love to try out any test runs you might have. I’m in the Minneapolis area.

Im pretty sure it has nothing to do with a JO ::slight_smile:

y’know, some may consider it unprofessional to leave your thread for a few weeks…

Yes i know my laptop is broken so i dont have very much inernet acsses at this time


Matt, do you want me to give your cpu diseases?

Most of the people in this thread need to grow up, seriously. Your elitist attitudes are ruining the yoyo community. I’ve been on this site from time to time over the last few months, and I’m not sure I want to stay. I’ve found that every community has their elitist, from video game communities, to street magic, to card manipulation, to juggling, to Yoyos. These elitists come off as huge nerds, so you guys aren’t doing yourselves any favors. You need to learn how to relate to each other rather than flaming each other trying to prove your dominance, or prove who is “right”. You make me sick.

The Juvenile Offender is made by Big Brother Yoyo, and it’s my favorite throw, so yes, the 9 has a lot to live up to in my eyes.

I myself am just joking. I know a lot of these guys personally and they understand “hey funny joke” instead of “Omgosh ima punch your mum!” This is a forum made for discussion and trying to find out who is right. But if by elitist you mean us trying to moderate even though we aren’t moderators, we are just trying to stop a fight before it happens instead of standing and watching. Besides you making this post just became a hypocrite. Btw I think your taking everything too seriously, you need a balance in your life of fun and work. You make me warm and fuzzy inside.

The gnarwhal is my favorite yoyo and will have a lot to live up to too.

Cameron,I was not singling you out, but since you decided to respond… nearly every post I’ve seen from you has been part of an argument. Arguing is not self moderating. Also, no forums are not there to prove who is right. They are there to discuss ideas and opinions.

Edit: Did not realize that BB isn’t Big Brother. Please disregard post.

Ok, one, this thread is NOT about Big Brother Yo Yos it is about a guy named BB here on the forums who seems to keep naming his “concepts” very close to products already on the market. Now Cameron, JetEyeNight is partially right, a lot of stormy clouds have been surrounding you, I know you know a lot of these people irl but why fill BB’s thread with garbage posts? It is HIS thread after all. Whatever, you two will most likely keep this going until it gets out of hand and a mod needs to clean it up but I figured JetEye needed to know that BB isn’t the person he thinks he is.

Thanks for correcting me… Fail on my part apparently. In my mind, BBYY = Big Brother YoYo, so for his name to be BB I thought it was Big Brother, and for the thread to be BBYOYOCO I thought it was Big Brother YoYo Company. I apologize. I will promptly remove the foot from my mouth.

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What is going on with these?

Do you realize the amount of precision you’ll need to make each one exactly the same by hand?


This wouldn’t be Necro, he is just asking what the game plan is. And it’s not really that old anyways.

Ill have protos when I get my new lathe.It is a presion metal lathe.Most of them will be delrin.Youll start seeing pics of them around new years :wink:
Keep on throwing,

An I know you are sending me one

If by Precision you mean CnC, you’re going to need a CAD file to actually machine it. That’s how they run.

this yoyo will never end up getting made. and not for the design reason. i have seen so many people come on here with cad drawings instead of ms paint and they decide to quit yoyoing because they dont have time with all the “partying” theyre doing. or some other problem happens. no offense this is just what i think the future will behold. you would be the first person i see to actually make a yoyo from a mspaint design on this board.

anyone can make a yoyo from an MS paint file…they just aren’t good. :smiley:

You are referring to buddhafusion?

Actually I use gimp.