The 9 looks sharp but it will be a little rounded. Btw its in half cut form.

how exactly are you going to make this out of a picture while retaining quality control?

im gonna agree with cameron here, cad this, it honestly, looks terrible. this is no way to start a company. i think you should have waited until you had the CAD drawings to post this. it really looks like you drew this on a napkin on five seconds.

So? J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter on napkins, and she makes bank now.

Nah, it would be cool to make a CAD (I’m working on it btw) but it doesn’t take 10 minutes to CAD a yoyo. Unless your working off this sketch.

she’s an author and obviously had no paper on her!hahaha

but seriously, do something more then one sided doodles if you want to actually start a business. do you even have funds to support this?

Dude, don’t question his business strategies. About the doodles, thats literally how it starts. Just lay off, relax, and hope he gets these made.

Hmm… more rim weight? Also, try on making things a little bit more to scale.
Scetching is great, but you should at least do it with straight lines in paint or something.

If you’re going to sketch a yoyo, use the line tool. Not whatever you did. It makes the product much clearer.

See my 2? Much clearer and easier to see.

If you need any help, let me know.

As for your design, I see many flaws, such as how it will catch and cut

Catch the cut? We also need to skype or something just throwing that out there -DG-

where did u gt the CAD and if u downloaded it also from which site link it

that would be completely unacceptable to link to a download site. downloading pirated material is illegal and shouldn’t be encouraged on the site. a link to pirated material is absolutely out of bounds. you shouldn’t ask for that kind of stuff on here.

Who said pirated? Free doesn’t necessarily mean illegally pirated software. There just so happens to be plenty of free CAD software. You don’t have to pay for software because more often than not, there is a freeware alternative out there.

This is true. There’s plenty of shareware and demo stuff available for free out there. But, the intent of wanting free full-CAD software was pretty much implied. If he wanted shareware or free demos, he could have easily Google-searched it. Regardless, the possibility of a link/exchange involving pirated material warranted the warning. If I incorrectly assumed the implied intent, then I apologize. But, I do stand behind the “better safe than sorry” route. I’m merely trying to help protect the integrity of this site.

These drawings look like something you would see on a Peanuts cartoon. I could draw those with my left foot. I’m not trying to be mean. Just saying they could use some serious help.

may I add that JK rowling is being sued for copy write infringement?

The design might catch string and cut both string and, if something happened, hand.

And, do you have Windows Live or Yahoo?

you just made my day.

I hate Harry Potter. So Im happy about this. :smiley:

uhmm i did search but couldnt find a thing thats why i asked simply dont enlarge problems thats not worth it :wink: he also could have just PM me the link :slight_smile:

so you searched but couldn’t find that oh-so-elusive company Google? they have a free program called Sketchup. evidently, you didn’t search very well. i just did a general search and found at least half a dozen programs that are absolutely free.

i wasn’t enlarging problems, i was protecting the integrity of this forum, period. so, yes, it’s VERY worth it.

you also could have PM’ed him to ask him for the link, instead of asking on a public forum.
