Battle anyone?

cool, I’ll give you my video tomorrow afternoon

Recently hit 1 yr so might make a video…

Question: Is it 1A only or can I do other styles?

Whatever your heart desires!
tisnt the season!

i double dog dare you to make better tricks than me

Should we have music and what rating should it be?

If ya want music, go for it!

Irwin! You should take the video off of this thread so people don’t see it, and make tricks better than you! Send me the link Directly!

I want to battle
just let me film this at this friday ;D

I guess I’ll battle ya’ll with freehand

I want some of this!!!

What a bosss…

One Take Freestyle Challenge Accepted
Will try to level it up by going all JensenWorlds2011Style on it

already did that. Hahaha

All videos due at the end of Sunday! Sunday morning is when I’ll make the Poll!
Better get em in soon!

It’s been forever since I’ve been in a battle. Would love to!

WOW! So So many people joining! This is gonna be one fun fun battle.
Mughees vs Irwin Elkblood vs Coronett vs velez_adrian vs yairhonig vs theguitarplayer vs Y0Y0SR2PR0 vs Rixtify vs shen703 vs AznnboyaZ

So far, this looks like the lineup!
Let’s hope everyone submits!

Can i still get in on this?

Yes! Video by Sunday night!

My style is awesome.

You do have some pretty cool clothes.

you too bro