BANGIN' BUNDLE FS (a-rt, rare od, static, clyw, more) - shoot me offers 😎😎😎

So I won this Universal Audio Volt 2, I already have an Apollo and a bunch of audio interfaces though so I don’t need this. It is literally brand new and completely unopened. If you know your audio gear, you know UA is the best in the bizness. Figured I’d post it here first for the homies before going on something like Craigslist/offerup . Heads up: I’m offering a free, (also) unopened FH1 if you cop this from me. Shoot me an offer!

Last bundle sold, so here’s some more! Help me get rid of my absolute hoard of throws. Won’t be splitting these up for now, I know whenever I ask for people not to ask they still do, but I gotta say it lmao… send me an offer and lets make a deal!

OD Wyvern Colorshift Cerakote, OD Code 2, A-RT Inhaler, Static Co Wave
CLYW Fools Gold Kodiak, RBC, FH1 AL, Horizon
000, Clear FH1

Up close pics/condition of each upon request for serious inquiries.
Looking for $$$ but would also trade for a TiPeak!!!


Bump! Added a UA Volt 2 for anyone looking for a solid audio interface


Offer offer offer baby, trynna cut some deals!!!

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