Want: ***Barracuda*** Fs/t Yyr, Duncan, spin dynamics, CLYW, Yyj, Yyf, Tenyo etc.

I have got my whole collection for trade maybe sale but mostly looking to trade.

All Offers Welcome!

Start the riot

Text me about offers at 407-450-3491
For a faster reply!

What I have:

Not pictured but- I have a near mint Triton, Mint special edition echo 2, replay, aluminum Dream, token, and Wet Whistle

Puffin 2- GONE, Triplet, barracuda, helium, diamondback, Flow-GONE, Drop bear, “Yea”, Timber wolf-GONE, antipodes, echo, shutter, torque, DBS, Bassboost-GONE

Hello sir trying to get idea of your prices… of the gold one and pink one top row Thanks! (Should email me once you respond)

ok then…

I send you a message