Look…do not care. YoyoExpert will continue to take my money as they provide the best quality Yoyos in the world. As far as this forum goes…am almost done…there are just a few people who want to see these stoopid 888’s I have finished…as do I. 4 days…and You will be rid of me.
You had to be around for it.
Seriously dude you need help. Buying 4 of these isn’t impressive, it’s the opposite.
3…only three.
Only 3…Yep…get where You’re going with that.
You understand that changing hubstacks and bearings isn’t exactly drastic?
That…is was of the MOST intelligent comments anyone has said!! You Durfee hit the nail on the head!!! It is no big deal…but nobody has ever said anything about it…and we all probably have insane stuff…but an 888 lets You go more insane. Make it titanium…put dice on the side…use a Difeo Koncave bearing…throw the most bonkers hubstack bearings in them.
I’m so excited to see what he says
Durfee…You are the man. This whole, whole thing is pointless. You…are right.
“Ban Me…”
So be it…