B-Grade May Info

Yes please and the thanks


I think he means it plays very very high above its price point. But he is sold

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evans yoyo aint just a monster, its a titan
there was something else but im not gonna say it, you are gonna have to wait :ok_hand:

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Turning point is a company at the very peak of modern performance so that’s some high praise, nothing to be disappointed about

Singularity looks kinda like a budget YYR/TP in the first place anyway

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Yeah but aren’t TPs yo-yos generally a little wider? Edit: Turns out I’m thinking specifically of the Turning Point yo-yo. And he just said Turning Point so I’d have to assume that’s what he meant.

I was hoping for it to literally be an upgraded Singularity. Maybe some minor weight distribution and profile tweaks. If it’s a completely new design I’m not interested.

New Update to the list with new images!


I’m definitely curious if the new Wangle fade is the updated version. @yyfben2.deactivated ?


Im also pretty curious. All I know is that it’s a fantasitc colorway

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Looking at the image where he compared the Edge Ultimatum against the regular Edge, it seems the regular Edge still has a wider catch zone, even though the Ultimatum has much thicker rims?

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Added Bi-Metal Shutter Pictures


The real question is where is that Orange/Purple fade WA?


Maybe dropping in December?

If they don’t say beforehand I’ll be able to tell everyone whether or not they are the new heavier model.


Ok we got the close up but also Gentry Shorts edition

Yeah given the amount of stuff YYF is throwing at me I don’t think I’m getting a Disruption or a Grasshopper GTX anymore. I thought it’d be a little longer before this stuff came out.

I’m getting the Butter, Orange Purple WA, Gentry Shorts WA and I still need that Blue polished WA.

Still getting those Recogs tomorrow though.


You should get the Grasshopper GTX! It’s excellent!


Yeah i played one at MA States and it was awesome but it’s going to have to wait I think. At least until closer to the end of the year; maybe next year.

I don’t think I’ll get the Disruption at all now, I wasn’t expecting the Butter to be out this soon and I need to get both new polished WA colorways.


Eric Koloski sig? :eyes::eyes::eyes:

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Idk chief but that yoyo he be throwin is fire