Augie Fash trading card

I found an error in the description:

“he put in the time, chipped 3 teeth, countless broken glasses, and a million hours of practice later, joined team yoyofactory, won a few titles, and toured the world”

In the bold, shouldn’t that be 3 chipped teeth as chipped is a verb when used there, but the words there should be nouns.


No. Because he didn’t start with 3 chipped teeth, it’s stating that he chipped 3 teeth in the process.
The way you have it would imply the teeth were already broken.

I’m still confused on WHY IT MATTERS

YYE trading cards are serious business. :expressionless:

well then it is a rather abrupt transition.

Cards are SERIOUS BUSINESS! (But honestly, improper grammar is a pet peeve)

They are stating what he went through while on his journey through yoyoing

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they are also using improper grammer :stuck_out_tongue:


I would agree, they are making a list of incomparable things.

I love Muphry’s law


come one! your getting in a fight about grammer on a yoyo trading card! really? The cards are a fun bonus added in to maybe make you want to collect them all and buy more yoyoexpert merch. No need to make a federal case over whether its 3 chipped teeth or chipped 3 teeth.

Who is fighting?

us now but (sigh) it doesn’t really matter. You guys will eventually get into a heated debate about grammer bringing up one rule after another, disproving the others statements then getting the whole thread locked or just one of you will win. its a circle; it has no end. Not like rectangle; that has a lot of ends.(I now pronounce you chuck and larry reference.

Responding to a post does not initiate a fight. Insults initiate a fight.

Nobody here is insulted, right?

I’m a bit insulted that he thinks a discussion will turn into flame.

Oh yeah? you wanna go? :smiley: Im joshing but when someone feels trapped in an arguement they resort to their lowest responses, insults included. I had a friend who when put at a end in an arguement will just say “SO?”.



I added in the quotes and the comma that you forgot. Sorry, improper punctuation is a pet peeve of mine. :wink:

Just kidding. You’re totally right on the grammar… I actually didn’t get to check the copy before it went to press, but poor grammar is a pet peeve of mine too. =)