So, is that a Pail or a Grailay?
Hyuck hyuck :3
So, is that a Pail or a Grailay?
Hyuck hyuck :3
So nothing in my collection really compares but I did get a moment to mess with a grail at club and yeah kind of grail like. Idk i got videos of folks playing it I got to post for the club later but it’s special I can’t really think of a better organic.
Some new Weatherman goodness coming your way real soon.
As per tradition, we’ll send one of these guys to the first who guesses its name correctly, if anyone manages to. Hit us up with your best takes in the comments.
Also, if you’re a SPHERE member, there’s something big waiting in your inbox. Hint — it’s something to do with a year’s worth of free international shipping.
More to come soon!
“Alioth” final answer
Precipitation. if that’s not what its name is, you need to get on the horn make some calls let’s get this thing named properly
Cyclone? If not that needs to be Yoyo name
I’m gonna guess Typhoon!
The Burgundy? The one true weatherman
Canopus or Carina
Monsoon sounds good