Atmos Projects presents: the Hamr

@FourCorner thank you! i’m glad you like it :relaxed:

@Yoyo_slacker I don’t have numbers fixed at the moment, but the intention is to make a modestly sized first run. I’m certain anybody who wants one will be able to get it though :slight_smile:

@yoyodoc thank you Doc!! :relaxed: that is high praise to me.

@MarkD thanks Mark!! i appreciate your design advice and help early on :slight_smile:


I have to say - I’m intrigued!!! :100:


thanks Andre : ) can’t wait to share more about them soon – should be any time now!

That’s sick!!! Beautiful

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@Thevongee thank you! i’m glad you like it : )

Just let me know when I can pick one up :wink:


Hey Reuben… dat throw you are working on looks soooo sweet! I want one! When ready of course… count me in my friend… full support!


@Thevongee @rockstar thanks y’all :slight_smile: i’ll have a nice sweet update by end week (i hope!) – so watch this space! :slight_smile:


Can you estimate how much it will cost?

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Not just yet unfortunately! I have to do quite a fair bit of planning to figure out what numbers make sense to make this project work – considering things like packaging material, shipping, ancillary logistics, and also what kind of run size I’m looking at – all of which has an effect on the math. In short – not yet, but I’m working hard to get everyone a number soon, and will let you know as soon as I can : )

Maybe just a small, slightly related tidbit that might be of interest – as someone who has dealt extensively internationally and domestically within the US, I’m very, very aware of the anxieties surrounding shipping in this time, and I’m currently working on a shipping arrangement that will (hopefully) make people feel happy, safe, and not have to bust the wallet, even if ordering from across the world. In my opinion, it’s a huge deal, and I’d be really pumped to pull it off. Will say more soon!


so this just appeared on my doorstep.

it’s going to be a crazy weekend! : )


Marshmallows! Sign me up :partying_face:


lucky you! The wait is killing me for my protos. Mine will hopefully be here in a month. Let us know how yours play!!:slight_smile:

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@Yoyo_slacker I’ve been throwing these non-stop the past two hours, and as far as fluffy, tasty and extremely comfortable things go, you’re not far off.

@hobbygod Thanks Patrick!! I couldn’t sit still all week after they were shipped from my machinist, so I definitely know the feeling. But it’s so worth the wait to finally have them in hand. I couldn’t stop jumping the first half hour I got them haha. I’m gonna run through them rigorously for a day or two before putting my thoughts here! : ) Can’t wait to see yours in a while as well!


The prototypes came yesterday and I’ve spent a full day just getting to know them. Here are some pictures of them in non-rendered, real-life goodness.

To be honest, it’s everything I dreamed it would be. As my first throw design project, I’m filled with real joy, but also huge relief – a feeling, I think, more experienced and seasoned people than myself might understand. Once the final file went out to the machinist, I spent many days second guessing it and wondering if I had missed something in its design. To finally have it in hand, and have it feel and play exactly like you imagined designing it is an amazing feeling.

At 56.4mm (dia) and 48.58mm (wid), it’s pretty full and wide – it fills your hand very fully and feels soft on the catch, but doesn’t feel excessively or unnecessarily sized. It just feels good in hand.

Playfeel wise, it is agile, floaty and very nimble, and also simultaneously powerful. It doesn’t feel like a competition bimetal, of course, but it has the “hollow body” feel I was hoping to capture – the kind of blend between lightness and punch that I feel in throws like the TiBowl and Akita.

My machinist did a great job. All ten prototypes came in dead smooth and playing great out of the box. The colours, however, are still a work in progress – the blue you’re seeing on screen is actually a really nice teal in real life, and the clear is really closer to champagne (for some reason I can’t seem to capture them properly on camera). I’ll be working on getting the colours closer to original renders (although the teal is growing on me…), as well as applying a heavier blast.

The week ahead will be fun! I’m sending out a couple of prototypes to friends to test them, and will also be working on some other things that I’ll share in a few days : ) I’ll also be posting more at @atmos.projects on Instagram, so chuck me a follow over there if you’d like to keep an eye on progress and updates.

Thank you for reading this long post and sharing in my excitement! Please do let me know if you have any thoughts, questions or criticism : )


That looks amazing! Yes, the clear looks nice but I’m a huge fan of that teal…I’d leave that color alone if it were me.


it looks even better in the pictures. Otherwise do you will ship these to the Europ?


Wow, Great job dude! I would definitely snag that one of those if I ever saw it.

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Nice! Very clean looking. Looking forward to it!

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:heart_eyes: these look so good! Congrats man!

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