ART and A/RT

When dbyy made the fa5t-fu or however it was spelled, it had to be changed to gung-fu because yyf thought it was a diss to the fast series, which was ridiculous (still love you yyf haha)

This is way closer to stealing someone’s schtick than that, sadly for Amplified he’s not yyf.

Edit: basically, what Ed said-
I don’t think it’s big deal for him though, these aren’t million dollar companies. I highly doubt it’s going to affect anyone’s sales. It’s two very small yoyo companies. It would matter more if both parties were marketing there products to a large amount of people. Generally the person who’s gonna buy from either ART or A/RT knows what they are looking for.

Knowing that A/RT is Jensen and Charles makes it different (to me),I feel people are gonna focus on that aspect more so than the actual name.

when I see ART I think amplified return tops, just saying!

Totally don’t blame Amplified for feeling some type of way though. I know if I was in his place I would initially be bummed. Art is a great name for a yoyo company.

Well, with these colorways and those new T-shirts they dropped, Amplified (ART) has been living up to the name. Keep it up.

*YoyoExpert App

The quote I live my life by!

On point as usual, TotalArtist. YoYoFactory is in hundreds of Walmart and Toys R Us stores, but they didn’t start out that way. Recess looked more like a boutique company and now they have a $20 slim bearing plastic that gets recommended to beginners all the time who know very little about yoyos.

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Seems like it would help Amplified if anything, maybe get some accidental sales because of a perceived association lol, I don’t see the big deal.

I was going to leave this thread alone, but wow! That response right there. That’s amazing. I never thought about it that way.

Someone who took time to come up with his own unique ideas should’nt have a problem if he’s getting accidental coin from uniformed buyers. That should totally make him feel at ease with the thought of having his toes trounced on.

Sorry sir, but that’s ridiculous. Take some time to think about this a little further.

If you haven’t come to the conclusion that “perceived association” works both ways, let me tell you. I’m not the only person that stands to gain from “accidental sales” from unknowledgable consumers. This street, like most, is one that goes two ways. If you had some skin in the game, maybe you’d know that…

I won’t act like you’re the first person to say that to me though. (because you aren’t)


Wow, I’ve never thought of it that way.

I just realized that I can’t give a “thank you” with the new YYE App.

I just looked over my collection, and you basically have a 5 to zero head start. That makes you…the man!

As you continue your work, just don’t sweat it, and keep in mind that you have unwavering support from many.

Oh, and here’s a little more ART for you guys:

*YoyoExpert App

I have been reading this thread, and I can fully understand Amplified’s concern. In other industries there are rules about naming products so a new company can’t profit from similarity (the pharmaceutical industry, in particular has rules about how close a brand name can come to the chemical name and how close a brand name can come to another company’s brand name - probably why there aren’t Tylenol and Tielenol).

That said, I had considered jumping into this mess by starting my own company:
French’s Amazing Return Tops (F/ART), but, I decided not to, because I was afraid my product would stink.


^I’m going to go back to this thread later to give that a “thank you.” I fell out laughing at the name of your new company. Funniest post so far this year.

*YoyoExpert App

Thanks…I need new pants now

Your first throw should be called “Cheese” or “Cuttin’ It”
Either way, I’d totally by a F/ART. Just be careful with the colorways :smiley:

TA- Thankyous are the only thing I can’t figure out on the app. It would be a nice addition.

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You’re killing me!! Hilarious! :smiley:

Oh, and when he makes the F/ART yo-yos, he should make sure they are quiet, and smooth. No one wants a loud F/ART with too much vibration. Okay, I’m done. :smiley:

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Classy :slight_smile:

F/ART? Good name to distinguish yourself from the rest of the pack, I guess. This forum has a short attention span.

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(Removed posts regarding last nights incident.)

What happened with me was entirely my fault and I’m truly sorry for what happened.

Please let us not bring it up again.

Gambit its all good…

When will you release it French? I’ll make sure I can get one, seriously.

I have no problem siding with Amplified(aka…ART) on this matter.

Lamonte’ already established himself in ‘the Yoyo World’.

It doesn’t matter whether people are trying to legally get a Lock on acronyms or not.

On the one hand, you have two guys very well known for Originality and Creativity. And yet in a whole world of possible names, they fall flat and land right on top of A.R.T.s’ shoes?

Nah… Fail…

Why come in ‘after’ somebody else and cause any friction or ill will at all?

Why does Lamonte’ have to even try to justify his position?

Why are most of the folks with ‘opinions’ trying to dismiss his concern or justify/rationalize/side with Jensen And Charles as: No big deal… Shouldn’t really matter… I won’t be confused… Nobody owns acronyms… Whatever?

Lamonte’ shouldn’t be placed under scrutiny about his concern?

One of the guys stated, ’ It shouldn’t really matter because these aren’t million dollar Companys’?

So it is OK to step on Somebody’s’ shoes if you follow the feet up to the Wallet and it doesnt have a million dollars in it?

We are placing the value/perceived degree of conflict based on financial dispositions?

Shouldn’t the ‘right thing to do’ be Jensen and Charles just trying to use a little of their Collective creative Juice and come up with a slightly different name and get off A.R.T.s’ shoes🤔?

Example(this isn’t too creative but more like moving in the correct direction); Just drop the ‘A’ and call their Company, ‘ReturnTopz’?

They could still use ART in a slightly different way. It would just be… R’T. <rrrrr-tuh.

I’m just trying to be fair and realistic here. I’m not coming into this thread swinging a bat.

I just don’t see why Charles and Jensen need a bunch of Defense Attorney’s basically ‘putting Lamonte’ in a defensive position; when he already established his budding Company.

Alternative views are encouraged on this matter.

I just don’t feel it is fair for this thread to fade on down the Board like ‘It’s a wrap/no problem/etc.’.

Star power should not give Jensen/Charles a Pass, when they created this situation in the first place.

Personally (me personally) I think ‘ReturnTopz’ is a better name anyways👏.

Just take a moment to put yourself in Lamonte’s shoes; not on top of them.


I posted this on facebook in the thread that LaMonte posted but I’ll repeat it here. It was to him directly -

"You’re a cool guy who I think is destined for great things. Seriously great things! I like your Shout, I like your brand, I like your haircut, I like pretty much everything you’re doing right now. Top all that off with the classy way you’ve dealt with all this silliness.

Keep the name, don’t keep the name, either way you’re doing a very good job."