Are Youtube videos still worthy?

To bring back this topic in case someone other want to start to do full edits, the answer to the myself of the past is “yes it is really worth it”.

It has 320 views in 3 days at the moment and I was expecting between 40/80 maximum so it is already a huge victory for me.

I have already in mind another one to do next month, leaving the views count which I wasn’t interested (but made me happy to know that so many people had a look to it), I have to say that I had sooo much fun planning it and even more going to shoot it, go in different areas around my city, having ideas, create all the tricks for the video, choosing the perfect music and shooting changing angles and directions, using my phone in a way I never use it, I even did the montage with my phone with Inshot and while in my mind I had a little view of the final video when I finished it was even better than I expected, so I felt proud of myself and that feeling worth the whole video process for me and I also learnt so many things about videos, there is a lot of work to do but I am happy to learn more about this world.

So yes it really worth, is fun, is challenging, is creative.

If you would like to create youtube videos do it, you will feel very satisfied at the end of it and there will be always people that watch it!


That was really good, thanks for sharing


Thanks a lot @skysurveil really do appreciate your comment :slight_smile:


Yes, YouTube is still worth it IMHO. Social media stuff comes and goes but YT as a platform is solid.


Glad to see folks feeling inspired to make more videos. I miss the old days when most companies would drop a full length edit along to compliment their release.

Keep up the work!


Thanks a lot Max, I honestly took so much inspiration from your videos and advices and I thank you so much for that, I have another in mind, I am just finishing to create the combos for it, it’s so much fun to do full videos!