Are Youtube videos still worthy?

Hello everyone,

I have now some combos to do a video but I see the whole scene is between instagram and finger spinning or godspeed tricking in TikTok which honestly I am not hugely interested (in this type of short videos).

What I was wondering is, are youtube videos still worth and watched?
I used to love videos for the background, montage, amount of tricks, music and other stuff, it just look more “neat” than a trick on instagram.

I also ask because I will have to buy a camera as I want to start to film all the combos also in the future and I have a couple of nice (in my opinion) ideas, I do have the time but I do not know if it worth the investment/time or if it’s better that I open a yoyo instagram and just film one combo at the time there, I would love also to do tutorials.

But yes, what is your opinion? Please let me know and have a nice day!


I am not hugely into the social media scene as I’m getting up there in years, but I’m always watching YouTube searching for tutorials on tricks or yoyo reviews. I’m only on Instagram to watch out for new yoyo releases.
So yes, I feel Youtube is still worthy. Just my opinion.


Some good folks are keeping full edits alive.

I’m currently working on my first one and have plans for more in the future. I’ve taken a step back from posting on IG for the time being to focus on filming for edits and just having fun


As a film maker I think they are very much valid, although it has been sad to see the kind of notice full edits get compared to quick trick circles for sure.

I can put together a fully edited and produced production and maybe get 300 views, where as if I just film a trick in my living room with my phone it may get thousands.

It comes down to what you want to present and how much notice and view count mean to you. I’ll never stop doing full length productions because that’s where my passion is, even if I’ll only get 100 views and no shares, it will still bring me joy. The question is will it do the same for you?

Best of luck!


When I want to see/learn a trick I go straight to YouTube, so to answer your question, yes.


I was big into yoyoing around 2012-2014 so I’m still big into YouTube videos. As I’ve gotten back into yoyoing it’s still my main platform to consume yoyo content lol.


Thanks for the answers guys, honestly more than the views which I don’t highly care (well I am sure that no one of us wants 0 views but I do not care of have millions), I would like to do something nice and then after the video a little tutorial for every combo.

I was used to release video a lot back years ago and then film some combo that the people asked, I would like to return to do that as it was fun and challenging, I always had zero experience in montage and also filming (have to be honest the quality of my old video was trash but I was never able to afford a proper camera) so I would like to do it also to show myself that I can put together a nice work


I feel YouTube (YT) is still a valid platform. One of my favorite places to post was JugglingTV (JTV) in the UK. JTV is in archive mode and still has a lot of skill toy content (worth visiting). It did a better job of reaching the audience and hopefully something else will come along and take its place. These types of platforms are better for creating in depth tutorials and/or capturing all of the trick. However, I am currently posting more on IG to reach more people since YT isn’t generating much engagement.

The challenge with YT is reaching an audience due to the amount of content constantly uploaded. IG Reels rewards content in 9 x 16 aspect ratio which isn’t the best for yo-yo tricks which work better in a 16 x 9 wide screen aspect ratio (trapeze is a wide screen trick). This makes it a challenge for creating videos with a film camera versus a phone or iPad (new Mavic 3 drone is equipped with a 9 x 16 aspect ratio setting). I end up shooting a lot of content in 4K or higher to repurpose content in the different ratios which is time consuming. Adobe Premiere has some tools to help automatically reformat 16 x 9 to 9 x 16 ratios but requires additional adjustment afterwards.

I think there is still a need for great content to be created in the 16 x 9 format. You might try a hybrid approach 16 x 9 for YT tutorial and demo the trick in 9 x 16 on a different platform. In working with the camera it will develop skills that can be applied to other types of projects and careers (film, commercials, documentaries). BlackMagic Design has a free version of DaVinci Resolve editing software which works for editing 2k footage there is a cost for the program if you are looking to edit 4K or higher. This can keep the cost down and develop skills with industry used software. Best wishes on the videos!


I don’t post content to either platform but the divide for me as a viewer is: youtube for learning/tutorials, instagram for watching people show off.

I have to pick my poison, do i want to view something cool that i wont remember because who knows what is happening in a godspeed combo, or do i have the time and patience to watch someone explain with slow motion and multiple angles? The latter is better for my skills and the former is easier to consume.

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What demographic do you want to reach? If you want an older audience, focus on YouTube. If you want a younger audience, focus on IG and TT. The audience for yoyo on YouTube is smaller and older, while the audience for yoyo on social media is larger and younger.

Furthermore, the expectations of the two audiences are different as well. The IG/TT audience doesn’t expect high-quality, long-form content because they are going to consume it, move on to something else, and forget it in an hour. The YouTube audience, on the other hand, is accustomed to long(er) videos with actual substance (YouTube Shorts notwithstanding…a really dumb attempt to compete with IG and TT, if you ask me).

Since it sounds like your motivation is to create content you are passionate about, rather than content that might earn you a short-lived social media following, I’d say that YouTube is probably the best target platform for your efforts.


i like longer youtube videos that show off great landscape and editing skills, but they do take more time to make which is why i think there are less of them compared to the easily produced tiktok/instagram posts

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I can’t speak to the relative size of the YT audience vs. TT/IG but I absolutely agree with everything else in this post!

I have absolutely zero interest in TT/IG/Snapchat videos, they seem vapid and sloppy to me with very few exceptions. The type of yoyo videos I enjoy most are generally characterized by skilled editing, interesting locations or lighting of the play and often use music from little-known artists that I’ve never heard before. Generally they seem to be around three to five minutes long.

TT/IG is where you can find the afternoon sitcoms of yoyo vids, Youtube is where you can find the Blade Runners and 2001:A Space Odysseys.



The tools for seeking within longer videos and controlling playback speed make YT worth it, IMO.

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I think Youtube videos are definitely still watched but require a bit more outreach to get views if you start from nothing. Obviously you’re not gonna get as many views as on IG and Tik Tok because someone has to actively click on your video to watch it, but this isn’t something new. 100 views on YouTube means your video was actually clicked on 100 times.

Some great channels to maybe take inspiration from are Brandon Vu for vlog type content, Edition for edits, and Junyi Lin for tutorials.

It’s best to spread your content out across platforms though, so sometimes making a short form version and a long form version of your content helps

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I think this is somewhat incorrect. Both platforms will favor high quality content, especially in niche subcultures. It’s just a different format. Obviously, yes low quality vids are lot more likely to go viral on Insta and Tik Tok but as the years have gone by I’ve noticed a lot of the more successful creators on Insta and Tik Tok are the ones putting out more creative content. Also short form edits are a lot more common now

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Here’s where I show my age: nothing good comes in 9x16 format. That ought to give you a better insight into my biases. (Our eyes sit side-by-side, not one above the other…your composition should reflect this IMO.)

To me it’s not much different than Twitter in that I don’t believe anything meaningful can be expressed by the average person in 144 characters or less. Poets, philosophers, and the sublimely articulate can of course make effective use of such a tiny elocution space, but 99.99% of humanity does not fall into any of those categories. Which is why social media looks to me more like a giant content landfill than a glittering mountain of quality information/entertainment.


Thanks for the answers guys, I just check the “Edition” channel that get advised here and that’s something I would love to do (I am not even close to be able to create an edit like that) the video with Adrian Velez is crazy good, this is the view I always had of videos (coming from aggressive inline, skateboarding and similar where full edits still are big).

As someone wrote here, maybe it’s because I am 30 years old and I play from very very long time but I do not enjoy to watch just a trick with no context behind and that’s it (and also I am sorry to say that but it make me cringe so much all the presentation before a trick like people do in tiktok and the music used as tiktok has some super top cringe music choices in the chart).
Also weirdly a 10 second video doesn’t catch my attention like a one that is 2-3 minutes long and is done with care, I am a boomer? most likely yes but most probably I am just someone with a certain type of taste.

I will have to ask to the experienced people what they use to film and what is good for someone that is a beginner in the recording world!

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This is a question I’ve been asking myself as I make content in general. As much as Instagram and TikTok seem like popular platforms, there is a sense of stability with YouTube.

Sadly however YouTube has a completely different way of engagement, which makes it harder to get the video in front of other folks eyes.

I think the main conversation to have is how much time would you like to put in, how much money is it worth for you to spend and then accept the fact that it might not go anywhere.

With Instagram you will be able to find the community more readily via hashtags, interacting through DM’s and scrolling stories. The platform is designed to keep you on it as long as possible after all.

From the perspective of someone who had some of the gear and then invested even more, it’s been worth it. At the end of the day there is more enjoyable content for folks to watch.

A side note/observation of current videos in yoyo:
Just to add, the reason why TikTok style yoyoing has become so popular in terms of algorithms and getting high click rates/metrics is mainly due to its approachability. Meaning more simple/easier to digest yoyoing will typically do better when you post.

This doesn’t mean that people are not interested in watching more complicated trick edits/tutorials but your engagement/view count will typically be lower with the more “hobby focused” content.

Don’t let that discourage you if you do want to make content, but do expect it. At the end of the day make content and make connections with the community with your content no matter the platform, we all just want to see cool tricks.


Do it!! Gotta keep full edits alive! I’m working on one now


I recently made my first youtube video. Posted it 10 days ago and it has around 500 views.

That’s certainly worth it to me. If even 50% found it interesting and 10% of those people found it useful then it was worth my time.